Tuesday, May 21, 2013

With the Xbox One, Microsoft’s vision for conquering the living room takes shape

It’s taken a while, but Microsoft’s big plan for conquering consumers’ living rooms is now finally coming together. For years, major tech companies have been obsessed with getting their software and applications onto television screens and have mostly employed a series of set-top boxes that have done little to spark consumer interest. But unlike Apple and Google, Microsoft has always had a secret weapon that it’s been waiting to deploy to make sure that its software becomes entrenched on users’ television sets: Namely, the Xbox. For years now the Xbox has been the MVP of Microsoft’s consumer electronics division. While the company has badly lagged behind in both the smartphone and tablet realms, it has stayed strong in the gaming

via Gaming News Headlines - Yahoo! News http://news.yahoo.com/xbox-one-microsoft-vision-conquering-living-room-takes-195544681.html

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