Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Microsoft needs to do just one more thing to sell me on Xbox One

Microsoft needs to do just one more thing to sell me on Xbox One It’s been weeks since the release of both the PlayStation 4 and the Xbox One and I admit that I’m still torn over which one to buy. And given that sales of both consoles have been in a virtual dead heat so far, I’d wager that a lot of gamers are feeling conflicted as well. It wasn’t always this difficult for me. Back when Microsoft was committing its inexplicably boneheaded PR blunders by restricting used game sales and requiring once-a-day Internet connectivity to play games, I thought for certain that I would be getting a PS4. Now that Microsoft has done an admirable job of listening to its customers and has scrapped most of its controversial policies, the Xbox One

via Gaming News Headlines - Yahoo! News http://news.yahoo.com/microsoft-needs-just-one-more-thing-sell-xbox-191017537.html

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